Financial Calculators

Auto Loan Calculator



Loan Calculator




  • Type in the purchase price, number of payments (months), and annual percentage rate into the corresponding form fields.
  • Click on the button marked Calculate.
  • Your results will appear in the Results box.

Note: This calculator is provided only to give an estimate of your loan. Your monthly payment and total amount paid may vary. Talk to your loan representative for additional details.

Amortization Calculator



Payment table will appear here.

Note: This calculator is provided only to give an estimate of your loan. Your payment schedule may vary. This calculator is based on an interest rate less than 10%. Talk to your loan representative for additional details.

Investment Yield Calculator


Howard City Branch CLOSED Thursday, 2/20. Due to an internet outage, our Howard City branch is closed. As a result, our Digital Drive-Thru (DDT) and ATMs at this location are also unavailable. Our Mobile ATM is parked and available for walk-up ATM services only. However, please note that our other branches, DDTs, and ATMs are still available for your convenience. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. Thank you!